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Drinks to Limit for Weight Loss

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

When it comes to healthy eating for weight loss, food isn’t the only thing worthy of your attention. What you drink can have just as much of an impact on weight as what you eat. 

Sugar-sweetened beverages, alcoholic drinks, sugary coffees, and even smoothies or juices that are labeled as healthy can be filled with extra calories and unhealthy ingredients. Since beverages go down easily, you may not realize how much you’re consuming. 

Here are the drinks to limit if you’re trying to lose weight. 

Worst Drinks for Weight Loss 

Cut back on these drinks and replace them with a healthier choice

  • Soda: Sodas are filled with added sugar and do not have any beneficial nutrients. When you drink a soda, your blood sugar will spike and you’ll have a burst of energy. But unfortunately, you’ll experience a crash in energy shortly after the spike. This scenario can increase cravings for other sugary foods, leading to a cycle of unhealthy eating. Cutting back on soda can therefore be one of the most helpful habits for weight loss. Check out our post on ditching a soda habit for tips. 

  • Alcohol: Not all alcoholic drinks are created equal. Overindulging in alcohol, especially in the form of sugary cocktails, is not going to be helpful if you’re trying to drop extra pounds. Not only does alcohol contribute excess calories, but too much of it can inhibit weight loss through a variety of mechanisms. If you choose to drink alcohol, stick to a maximum of one (women) to two (men) drinks per day. Limit cocktails like margaritas, mojitos, piña coladas, daquiris, chocolate martinis, and other sugary drinks for special occasions. 

  • Sports Drinks: Sports drinks have become commonplace in the standard American diet. But unless you are exercising vigorously for hours, drinking sports drinks is generally unnecessary. They’re very high in sugar and may contain artificial dyes.  

  • Fruit Juice: While small amounts of 100% fruit juice may be a good addition to a healthy, balanced diet, not all fruit juices are good choices. Many juices contain added sugar, with the exception of those that are labeled as 100% fruit juice and do not have sugar on the ingredients list. Since they do not have the fiber found in whole fruits, fruit juices are not very filling, are easy to overconsume, and can lead to blood sugar spikes. For the most part, stick with whole fruit if you’re trying to lose weight.  

  • Sugary Coffee Drinks: There’s a big difference between plain coffee and specialty coffee drinks. Many coffee drinks are loaded with syrups, flavorings, and whipped cream and pack a ton of extra calories. Sticking to plain coffee with a dash of cream or sugar will be much more beneficial for weight loss. 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: We make it easy to stick to a healthy diet that doesn’t include sugary drinks. Get started with the best meal delivery service today to enjoy fresh, nutritious meals that will leave you feeling satisfied.