How to Increase Your Step Count in the Winter

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Winter is in full force, with cold temperatures and increased darkness making it difficult to exercise outside. If you live in the Midwest, then you have probably also received your fair share of snow and ice this season. 

Wintry conditions can certainly hinder safe and regular physical activity. As a result, you may be falling short of your step goal. Racking up steps can provide a lot of health benefits, so it’s important to find ways to stay active despite the weather. 

If you’re looking for ideas for how to increase your step count in the winter, check out the following tips! 

1 – Find indoor walking spots. 

If you usually walk outside, seek out indoor walking areas instead. The mall is a great safe option, especially since it lacks the dangerous ice that may cover your neighborhood sidewalks. An indoor track at a gym or a local public school (if they let visitors use it) are other good options. You can even rack up steps by taking a few laps around a store before you start your shopping, especially if you are running errands at a large store like Home Depot or Costco. Finally, some towns may have community centers or fieldhouses open to the public for indoor walking.  

2 – Bundle up in the right gear. 

Even if ice and snow aren’t an issue and your sidewalks are accessible, walking in the cold isn’t enjoyable for everyone. However, wearing the right clothes can easily transform your walk from miserable to invigorating. Consider investing in gear that will keep you warm on even the coldest days, especially gloves, a hat or earmuffs, a jacket, and the right footwear. Spending a little money on these items may also provide some extra motivation to get out and use them. 

3 – Lean into keeping your house clean. 

Household chores can really keep you moving in the winter. You may be surprised how many steps you can get from dedicating an afternoon to cleaning the floors, folding laundry, tidying up, organizing the pantry, and vacuuming. While these may not be the most appealing activities, they are a great way to stay active when you can’t go outside. To make them more fun, pop in your headphones and play some music, a podcast, or an audio book.  

4 – Use the internet to your advantage. 

In addition to following your weight loss meal plan, virtual workout classes are ideal for staying on track with your health during the winter months. YouTube has tons of free workout videos, including cardio circuits that don’t require any gear. You can also find workouts in phone apps, such as My Fitness Pal, Sworkit, and Glo.  

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: While you work on getting in your steps, let us take care of meal prep services for you! Our menus are available in 1200, 1500, or 2000 daily calories and feature fresh and nutritious foods. Save $10 off your first order with discount code: TryHFLM

Stef Keegan