Why is breakfast so important?

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

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Breakfast is usually called the most important meal of the day, but do you know some of the reasons why?  

This morning meal not only presents an opportunity for you to consume nutrients that you need to power through the day, but it’s also linked to better weight control and improved focus. Read on to learn more about the benefits of eating breakfast, followed by some easy breakfast ideas. 

Breakfast Benefits 

  1. Gives you energy to start the day and provides necessary nutrients.  
    Breakfast, as the name suggests, is a way to break the “fast” that happens while you’re sleeping. Food provides energy in the form of calories, which acts as fuel for you to perform your daily tasks. Plus, eating breakfast, instead of skipping it, allows you to consume foods that will contribute to your daily nutrient needs. If you make a point to eat breakfast, you can eat a wider variety of foods and nutrients throughout the day. For example, eggs provide protein and vitamins B12 and D, while fresh fruits contribute energizing carbohydrates and often have vitamin C. Oatmeal, on the other hand, is an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins. Finally, you can fit more veggies into your day by adding them to egg scrambles.  

  2. Boosts memory and concentration. 

Some research says that eating breakfast can help boost memory and focus throughout the day. A review of studies on breakfast and cognition in children and adolescents found that breakfast consumption improves attention and memory. However, it’s important to note that the composition of your breakfast is also important. Eating a donut or sugary cereal won’t have the same benefits for energy and focus as a balanced meal with protein and fiber. 

3. May help you maintain or lose weight. 

While the research on breakfast and weight loss is mixed, some observational studies have found that eating breakfast is associated with lower body weight. The exact reasons behind this association are unclear. One reason may be that people who eat breakfast have overall healthier habits than those who don’t eat in the morning. In addition, eating breakfast may prevent overeating at lunch or dinner. If you wait until lunch for your first meal, you may be ravenous and more inclined to eat indulgent foods and consume more calories than you need. 

Easy Breakfast Ideas 

To reap the benefits of breakfast, try some of these nutritious options that are easy to make in the morning or prepare ahead of time. Each option contains fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat. 

  • Plain Greek yogurt with berries, pumpkin seeds, and cinnamon 

  • Steel cut oatmeal with apple slices and peanut butter 

  • 100% whole wheat toast with smashed avocado, white beans, lemon juice, and feta cheese 

  • Scrambled eggs with chopped mushrooms, onions, peppers, and shredded mozzarella, grapefruit 

  • Green smoothie with kale, avocado, frozen banana and mango, and plain Greek yogurt 

  • Fried eggs, sautéed spinach and garlic, orange 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Let us take care of breakfast for you! Our freshly prepared breakfasts are nutritionally balanced, providing you with the energy and nutrients you need to power through your day. Order one of our full-prepared 1200, 1500, or 2000-calorie meal plans today.

Stef Keegan