Why Strength Training Is Crucial

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

There are many aspects of healthy living, including eating well, engaging in regular physical activity, and keeping stress at bay. Strength training is another crucial part of staying well, but it sometimes gets overlooked. 

If you’re following a weight loss meal plan and trying other tactics to get healthy but not seeing the results you want, incorporating strength training may be helpful. Read on to learn more about the many benefits this type of exercise provides. 

What is strength training? 

Strength training includes exercises aimed at improving strength by having your muscles contract against resistance. This is why it’s also known as resistance training or weight training. The resistance used in strength training may be in the form of body weight, free weights like dumbbells and barbells, weight machines, resistance bands, kettlebells, or sandbags. 

Here are some examples of strength training exercises: 

  • Squats and push-ups, with body weight or added weight, also known as endurance strength 

  • Box jumps and cleans, also known as explosive strength 

  • Shuffles and skates from side to side, also known as agile strength 

  • Sprints, also known as speed strength 

  • Kettlebell swings and lunges, also known as starting strength (referring to the power you have at the start of a movement) 

  • Minimal reps with heavy weights, also known as maximum strength 

Benefits of Strength Training 

Resistance training helps build strength and endurance, among many other benefits for overall wellbeing and specific aspects of health. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends adding strength training to your workout routine at least twice a week. 

When engaging in regular strength training, you may experience the following benefits related to: 

  • Weight loss and metabolic improvements: Strength training, like other types of exercise, burns calories, but it may contribute to weight loss in other ways too. Since it helps build muscle mass, it may increase metabolism and the rate at which your body burns calories at rest. Many people find that regular strength training helps them burn fat while building muscle and therefore improves body composition. Combining strength training with cardio exercise may be especially beneficial for your weight loss journey. 

  • Bone strength: Working your muscles and joints against resistance is great for bone health. In particular, these types of exercise may actually slow bone loss and even increase bone density. 

  • Mental wellness: Challenging yourself via strength training doesn’t just build muscle…it can also boost mental health! In fact, a large review and meta-analysis of existing research found that strength training had a significant effect on improving anxiety and depression in adolescents. Other studies have found similar results among adults. 

  • Immunity: Exercise stimulates processes in the body that may influence the ability to fight disease. In particular, weight-bearing activities have been associated with the release of important molecules that modulate immunity. It’s possible that regular strength training may therefore improve immunity while also building muscle and improving bone health. 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Want to start incorporating strength training? We’ll take care of your meals while you pump the iron! Our nutritious menus are the perfect complement to an established exercise routine. Get started with one of our plans today. Save $10 off your first order with discount code: TryHFLM. 

Stef Keegan