What happens when you stop drinking soda?

Stop drinking soda.jpeg

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Soda is a quintessential part of the typical American diet. Whether it’s paired with buttery popcorn at the movies or a fast food burger and fries, there’s no shortage of this sugary beverage consumed in our country. 

But drinking too much soda is linked to poor health outcomes, including weight gain, tooth decay, and disrupted sleep. 

That’s why giving up soda and replacing it with healthier options can have so many positive benefits! 

Read on to learn what happens to your body when you stop drinking soda, and how kicking your soda habit can benefit you.  

Less soda = more energy! 

Since it’s so high in added sugar, soda increases blood sugar levels and provides a quick burst of energy. This is even more pronounced if you drink a caffeinated soda, such as Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, or Dr. Pepper. 

But the energy rush from soda doesn’t last for long. It’s followed by an energy drop, which may even lead you to reach for more soda or sugar to feel better.  

Removing soda from your diet can help prevent an unpleasant rollercoaster of energy levels throughout the day. And who doesn’t want to feel more energized?! 

Fewer Sugar Cravings 

Regularly drinking soda can cause you to crave more sugary foods and drinks that are generally low in nutrients and high in calories. This leads to a cycle of poor eating.   

By ditching soda, you will cut back on your overall added sugar consumption and have fewer sugar cravings, which benefits both your blood sugar levels and your waistline. 

Increased Immunity 

Too much sugar can wreak havoc on the immune system. For one, added sugar consumption may lead to weight gain over time. Several studies suggest that people with obesity are more susceptible to infections and weakened immunity.  

What’s more, soda and other foods that are high in sugar often take the place of nutritious foods that contain immune-boosting nutrients.  

So, decreasing soda intake helps boost immunity both by removing excess sugar that can harm the immune system and making room for healthier foods that support it. 

Potential Weight Loss 

Soda is a significant source of liquid calories that go down quickly and easily. That’s why high soda consumption is associated with increased body weight.  

A 12-ounce Coca Cola has 140 calories and 39 grams of added sugar, which is over the recommended limit for added sugar consumption per day from the American Heart Association. Removing soda from your diet can be one of the most efficient ways to cut down on unnecessary calories (and sugar!) and support weight loss. 

However, that can be easier said than done! Be sure to check out our article on kicking your soda habit for some actionable tips. 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: While you work on limiting your soda consumption, let us take care of helping you eat healthy food! Our nutritionally balanced and complete meal plans are perfect for helping you reach your weight loss and other health-related goals. We’re the leading fresh, healthy meal delivery service in the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Chicagoland areas, as well as in all of MN, IA, IL, ND, SD and NE. Check out our menus and get started today.


Stef Keegan